Sprint Coach Level 1 Community Athletics Coach Course at UC Steve Dodt, August 19, 2018November 30, 2023 Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, facilitated the Level 1 Community Athletics Coach course to eleven up and coming Athletics Coaches at the University of Canberra on 19 August 2018. This accredited coaching course focuses on the fundamental skills of running, jumping, and throwing that comprise all track and field events. Focus is placed on skills, games, and drills… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Athlete’s representative on Competition and Officials Committee Steve Dodt, July 10, 2018November 30, 2023 In the 2018-19 Season, Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, was elected as the Athlete’s representative on the Athletics ACT Competition and Officials Committees. The Athlete’s representative is an important voice to the Board. This is Steve’s second stint as the Athlete’s representative having previously been on the Board of Athletics… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Life Member: Ginninderra Athletics Club Steve Dodt, April 30, 2018November 30, 2023 Established in 1976, Ginninderra Athletics Club is based in Belconnen a Town Centre of the ACT. Steve Dodt was awarded a Life Membership to Ginninderra Athletics in 2018 following his strong commitment and outstanding service to the Club. Steve Dodt first joined Ginninderra West Belconnen Little Athletics Centre as a… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Photographer to the stars Steve Dodt, February 21, 2017December 1, 2023 When just watching the action isn’t enough, Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, enjoys taking live action shots of athletes. At the recent ACT Championships, PNG sprint star Toea Wisil beat the then current Australian 100m champion and national record holder Melissa Breen on her home ground in Canberra (19/02/2017). PNG Athletics… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach 2016 ACT Children’s Week Award Steve Dodt, October 25, 2016November 30, 2023 This year the Children’s Week Committee recognised FAST’s Head Coach, Steve Dodt, as an individual who ‘makes a difference’. Steve was recognised in the Community for Children Award Category for individuals, groups, volunteers, media, organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to children/young people in the community. Steve was presented… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Coaching the next generation of Coaches in Darwin for Athletics Australia Steve Dodt, October 22, 2016November 30, 2023 Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, delivered the Level 2 AEGS Part B Sprints, Relays & Hurdles coaching course on behalf of Athletics Australia at Marrara Stadium, Darwin NT. Steve, a Northern Territory local himself, grew up in the top end and regularly trained and competed as a member of NT… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Athletics ACT’s grass track meet Steve Dodt, November 23, 2013December 2, 2023 Athletics ACT (AACT) approached Steve Dodt, President of Ginninderra Little Athletics Centre, to assist in achieving one of the 5 key objectives in the AACT Strategic Plan, which is to increase participation numbers in our sport. The AIS Track would be unavailable for around 6 weeks from mid-November to the… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Ginninderra Tigers Carnival 2011 Steve Dodt, October 30, 2011December 1, 2023 The first major test for newly elected President of Ginninderra Little Athletics Centre, Steve Dodt, was being a Carnival Manager for an event not held by the club in two decades. The Carnival was hosted to help celebrate Ginninderra Little Athletics Centre’s 35th birthday. Some 500 Little Athletes and their… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach President of Ginninderra Little Athletics Centre Steve Dodt, September 1, 2011December 1, 2023 In unusual circumstances, Ginninderra Little Athletics Centre had to call upon its two newest General Committee Members to step up and become its President and Vice-President. Parents Steve Dodt and Phil Henderson took on the roles respectively with support from a dedicated number of other volunteers, including Life Member Helen… Continue Reading
Sprint Coach Little Athletics Webmaster Steve Dodt, April 29, 2009December 1, 2023 In April 2009, 18 months after joining Ginninderra West Belconnen Little Athletics Centre as a Parent, Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, became the Tiger’s first webmaster. Unlike Steve’s previous Athletics’ websites for CUAC, University Games and Athletics ACT, Ginninderra’s website had a purpose built Web Content Management System (WCMS). Following… Continue Reading